

Join the international movement on consensus building
All environmental problems are people problems. How do we break past barriers that keep us from resolving environmental differences, so that we can each take part in restoring the thriving landscapes we all long for? Across four decades and several continents, Jeff Goebel of Community Consensus Institute and one of the co-founders of the Healthy Soil Working Group has seen groups through land conflicts. Join Jeff, whose work features in a new book by author and journalist Judith Schwartz “The Reindeer Chronicles”, for an online introduction to the consensus approach.
→ Read The Reindeer Chronicles by Judith Schwartz
Online book launch on August 14. → Sign up here for an online introduction to consensus building.Online zoom meeting, various dates available.

Moving Beyond Conflict to Consensus (Jeff Goebel)

In this one-day training, you will learn and practice techniques for resolving conflict and reaching consensus in your work, community and home.

Financial Planning for the Triple Bottom-Line

This workshop will introduce participants to the beliefs, behaviors, and strategies to reshape how time and money is spent with the result being the attainment of the Triple Bottom-Line (people-profit-planet). Learn more…

Other Workshops…

  • Magic of Change
  • Managing Limited Resources
  • Stereotypes
  • Opportunities of Diversity
  • Managing Power
  • Relationships, Beliefs, Values
  • Participative Democracy
  • Managing Interviews
  • Reaching Consensus
  • Journey to Self: Women in Healing